TP-Link Omada

Omada setup

For each Location you need to setup a Site in your Omada account.

Once you have the Site, create a WLAN network and an SSID.

Go to Settings > Wireless Networks and click + Create New Wireless Network. And the Network Name (SSID), for example "Residents WiFi".

Select PPSK without RADIUS in the Security dropdown.

On the PPSK Profile, you need to add create and assign at least one PPSK user in order to create the SSID. Click on the menu and select the last item, Create new PPSK Profile.

The Create New PPSK Profile dialog opens. Enter a Name, such as "Default". in the PPSK1 section, enter as Name something like "Default PPSK" and in the Passphrase input enter a long, difficult to guess Passphrase.

Once you have create your default PPSK Profile, you'' return to the main screen, and select the profile just created in the dropdown PPSK Profile.

Click Apply to save.

Cusna implements an automatic VLAN management to segregate each resident traffic. Cusna uses the slot of VLANs 2000-4000 so you should avoid using these VLANs for any other purposes.

Cusna setup (Controller mode)

Get the account hostname

To connect Cusna to your Omada instance account you need to get the hostname of your instance. You can easily identify the hostname form the URL base of your browser once you are logged in in your Omada account.

In the screenshot above the hostname would be: Do not enter https. Make sure to enter the port if you see it in your URL.

If your controller has a self-signed SSL certificate, APIs return an error, so the integration won't work.

Oamda uses the user credentials to generate the tokens required to authenticate the APIS. We suggest creating a dedicated API User to connect to Cusna.

Go to Admin and click +Add New Admin Account. Select Cloud User as Administrator Type and All as Site Privileges.

Log in your Cusna account and go to Settings. In the WiFi integration section, select TP-Link.

Enter the requested inputs:

  • Omada tenant hostname: the hostname of your Omada instance

  • Username: username of the Omada admin user

  • Password: username of the Omada admin user

Cusna setup (Cloud mode)

Get the account hostname

To connect Cusna to your Omada instance account you need to get the hostname of your instance. You can easily identify the hostname form the URL base of your browser once you are logged in in your Omada account.

With reference to the screenshot above

  1. take the hostname part: ""

  2. transform it as follow adding the "api" string: ""

  3. Copy the OmandacId value, which is the string right after the first "/": "5492cc657ffb80e24e8afe386f8ed4bb"

Oamda uses the user credentials to generate the tokens required to authenticate the APIS. We suggest creating a dedicated API User to connect to Cusna.

Go to Admin and click +Add New Admin Account. Select Local User as Administrator Type and All as Site Privileges.

Log in your Cusna account and go to Settings. In the WiFi integration section, select TP-Link.

Enter the requested inputs:

  • Omada tenant hostname: the hostname of your Omada account as indicated above

  • OmandacId: the id of your account as indicated above

  • Username: username of the Omada admin user

  • Password: username of the Omada admin user

Operating Cusna

Creating Locations

When you create or edit a Property in the Cusna dashboard, in the WiFi configuration section, you have to pick the Site, WLAN and SSID to associate to the property.

Creating Accounts

When you create a new Account, a new PSK user will be created in your Omada account with a predefined WiFi Passphrase. The user receives an activation email with the default passphrase and QR code, and a link to the WiFi Portal where he can change the passphrase.

To avoid synchronization problems, do not manage manually the PPSKs in the Omada interface

Last updated