Office RnD

Office RnD integration allow co-working members to self-provision their secure WiFi access.

Members can visit the WiFi Portal - which URL is different per Location - login with their credentials to access and/or change their personal WiFi passphrase.

If the user belongs to a Team, Cusna creates a matching Group and assign a static VLAN that will be assigned to all members of the same team, so their traffic is segregated from other teams and users.

When users are removed from office RnD, they are also autaotmically removed from Cusna and their WiFi access is disabled.

Office RnD setup

in Office RnD, go to Settings, Developer Tools. Click Add application. The Add Application dialog appears.

Enter a Name and select Read and Write in the Permission section. Click Add to save the application.

In the main page, you'll the app you've just created in the table. Click View. The View Application dialog appears.

Copy the Client ID and Client secret values.

Go to Setting, Account and open the tab General.

Take note of the value you see in the input Admin Site.

Setting up the integration in Cusna

Go to Setting and scroll to the Integrations section. Click New Integration. Select Office RnD.

Enter the following values:

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

  • Slug

Click Setup.

Last updated