

  • WiFi Passphrase are now by default a combination of letters, upper and lowercase, and numbers


  • Added a Network Health widget in dashboard and Network Health page for Meraki deployments


  • The General options page under the Setup menu group has been exploded in two independent pages, Onboarding and General to simplify usability


  • Support of multiple Fortinet controllers in the same Cusna account


  • MSPs can set a custom Help Center link for Organizations under their management

  • License and Support menu are now hidden for Organizations under MSP management

  • Added new option to Reset Account, available to Organization Admins with Owner role and MSP Managers


  • The Organization Dashboard now offer a dedicated page to visualize all open issues

  • Fortigate Wi-Fi Controller is now officially supported (docs)


  • MSP can set a MAX MAU Threshold on any managed Organization

  • MSP Admin with Owner role will receive an alert via email when any Organization hits the 90% of the MAX MAU Threshold. The same notificaiton appears in the Alerts page


  • Organization Admins and MSP Admins can opt-in to receive Alerts notifications via email (docs)


  • MSP dashboard now includes a dedicated Alerts page that visualizes all issues related to the managed Organizations. Issue can be filtered by Organization and Type and marked as resolved (docs)


  • Multiple Admins are not supported at the MSP level. MSP Admins with Owner role can create and mange other Admins users who can access the MSP dashboard (docs)


  • New License section has been added to the MSP dashboard, accessible by MSP Administrators with Owner role. The sections offers full visibility on the MAU consumptions per Organization and per each of the past 12 months (docs)

  • MSP Admins with Owner role can "add" MAU Subscription at any time to reduce their MAU Overages for the current month and forward (docs)


  • MSP Admins with Owner role can now create new Organizations autonomously, up to the max number of Organization set on the MSP (docs)

Last updated