WiFi Portal Onboarding

Residents can self-enroll in the service on the WiFi Portal.

Each Location has a WiFi Portal with a dedicated URL, that you can copy either in the Location summary table or in the detail page of each Location.

The URL can be distributed to Residents by different channels:

  • QR codes

  • email

  • existing tenant portals

  • dedicated SSID with captive portal

When Tenants are initialized manually via the Cusna dashboard, they receive a notification email that confirm they have been activated and it includes the link to the WiFI Portal related to the Location associated with their account.

User experience

Residents might receive an Activation Email with the link to the WiFi Portal, similar to the following one.

When they visit the WiFi Portal page, they are invited to enter their email address. If the email address exists and it is associated to an valid and active account, they will receive an email containing the magic link to access the WiFi portal in one click.

By clicking the Login button, the user lands directly in the WiFi Portal already authenticated.

On the first access to the portal, users are invited to accept the T&C and other personal attributes as configured in the Cusna account (such as first name, last name, company).

Once accepted the T&C, the user lands on the WiFi Portal home page.

When Billing is enabled, the user might be prompted to select a Subscription and provide payment information before being activated and get access to the personal PSK.

The home page contains different panels that might be visible or not depending on the options configured in the Cusna dashboard. In particular:

  • Personal WiFi passphrase: this section is always visible and provides the user the name of the PSK network and the personal PSK. The user can

    • change the passphrase (if enabled as option in the General settings),

    • view a QR code that can be scanned to connect directly to the network

    • and copy the passphrase to the device clipboard

  • Secure WiFi: this section, if enabled, contains the name of the 802.1X network and the unique credentials to connect to it. The link "How do I connect to <SSID Name> opens a screen with instructions for each type of supported device.

  • Passpoint: if Passpoint is enabled and the portal is opened on an Passpoint compatible device, this panel offer the option to directly download a Passpoint profile that works on the same secure WiFi network

  • Guest WiFi: if enabled in the general options, the user can enable a dedicated passphrase that can be provided to guests

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