Managing Locations

In the Locations page you have the list of all the Organization properties.

Creating a Location

On the main Locations list page, click New Location button.

Location details

In the Location details section add:

  • Name: reference name for the location

  • Address: address of the location

Location Managers

In the Location Manager section, you have the option to invite a Location Manager to Cusna to manage independently the accounts of the location.

Click Add New button and enter the Manager detail to create a new Manager account.

Select Select existing for inviting an existing manager to manage also this location.

WiFi configuration

In this section you need to configure some technical parameters that depends on the WiFi vendor you linked your Cusna account with.

WiFi Portal branding

In this section you have the opportunity to personalize the branding of the WiFi Portal

  • Title: text that appears on top fo the WiFi Portal page. Optional.

  • Help text: text that appears on the bottom of the WiFi Portal page. Can be used to inform residents on how to get help

  • Logo

  • Accent color: pick a color that will be used as accent color in the WiFi Portal, for example for buttons

Example of branding result:

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