Secure WiFi by Cloud4Wi

Cloud4Wi integration allows to bring to Cusna end users access to a secure network via WPA2 Enterprise and/or Passpoint, and optionally to enable access to the access networks in the OpenRoaming federation.


In the Integration page, find the Secure WiFi by Cloud4Wi section and click WPN Name.

Enter the API credentials generated in your Cloud4Wi account.

  • API Key

  • API Secret

  • Organization ID

Read this article to learn how to create API credentials in Cloud4Wi.


In the General options page, once you have your Cloud4Wi account connected, you'll see a panel SecureWiFi by Cloud4Wi.

Here you can opt to enable:

  • WPA2 Enterprise

  • Passpoint

When enabling 802.1X or Passpoint, for each Account of type Tenant that you create in Cusna, a matching WiFi account is created and kept in sync in your Cloud4Wi account.

User experience

In the WiFi Portal, the Tenant will see two new panels:

  • 802.1X: name of the secure network and credentials

  • Passpoint: link to download a Passpoint profile - only visible on Android and apple devices

Last updated